36 comments on “BOGOR street carnival 2013 (Cap Go Meh 2013)

  1. Simply wonderful… I’ve been to Taiwan 4 times and once I was there during the Chinese NY, beyond awesome… 🙂 Friendly greetings and my very best! Have a great weekend! 🙂


  2. Wow!.. what a great carnival!.. I wish we had one over here.. ;o) I like the mixture of Indian and Chinese icons (dragons and garudas unless I’m mistaken.. )


  3. You did not disappoint with this set. Not that anybody would’ve thought you would.
    What a fun gallery. The “angry birds” balloon doesn’t seem to fit in the surroundings. Lol.


  4. hahaha…The street is too narrow for the parade and the angry bird baloons were everywhere all the way around and the spectators were too close to them too. I met many photographers kept complaining about this and I did too. 😦 . I am thankful for your sincere comment, my best friend 🙂


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