61 comments on “weekly photo challenge: COLOR(S)

  1. I am quite intrigued by the eggplant? Have you tried it ? I wonder if you made it with raw eggplant and did you add salt? Either way the picture and the colors are awesome! Thank you for sharing them and making my mouth water… 🙂


    • Raw eggplant with a bit salt and sugar cane tastes awful even after boiled. the promotion to be a refreshing drink must be discontinued.
      I love your comment, Sir. Thank you 🙂


    • Umm…..Jus bawang sangat baik untuk menurunkan berat badan, tapi direbus dulu. Perhatiin deh, jus bawang sudah ada yg nyicipin dikit! . Gimana kalo saya suguhin jus terong, mau nggak ? Thanks for the right choice. 🙂


  2. Di tangan pak Muh… apapun jadi ‘ciamik’.
    Selalu ada cerita dibalik foto, bahkan tanpa deskripsi-pun foto sudah ‘bicara’ sendiri.
    – full ilmu ‘kehidupan’… dua jempol.. 😀 –


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