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Tujuan dan Orientasi blog ini adalah sebuah situs non-komersial dan hanya mencerminkan milik pribadi Muhammad Soleh. Semua entri teks dibuat atas dasar pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari pelajaran pendidikan, buku, pengalaman, dari pengamatannya sendiri dan atau dari sumber terpercaya yang berhubungan dengan isi dari pos tetapi tidak terbatas pada tulisannya.

Dalam rangka untuk memberikan kenyamanan kepada semua pihak / pengunjung membaca situs ini, saya dengan ini berhak untuk menyensor atau karena beberapa alasan untuk menghapus komentar bilamana dianggap perlu.

Semua gambar dan teks dipublikasikan di blog ini berada di bawah lisensi Creative Commons – kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya. Anda tidak dapat menggunakan hal ini untuk tujuan komersial. Anda tidak dapat mengubah, mentranformasikan, atau membuat atas dasar dari karya ini.
Atribusi – Anda harus mengatribusi karya dengan cara yang ditentukan oleh pengarang atau pemberi lisensi.

Untuk penggunaan komersial, saya merasa bebas untuk  dihubungi :

Muhammad soleh


The purpose and Orientation of this blog is a non-commercial site and solely reflects the personal property of Muhammad Soleh. All text entry is made on the basis of knowledge gained from educational lessons, books, experiences,  from my own observations and or from reputable sources that relate to the content of the post but not limited to its writing.

In order to provide comfort to all parties/ visitors reading this site , I herewith  reserve the right to censor or due to some reasons to delete comments whenever it is considered necessary.

All images and text published on this blog are under a Creative Commons Licence – unless where noted otherwise. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
For commercial use of my contents feel free to contact me:

Muhammad Soleh


47 comments on “ABOUT THE CONTENTS

  1. If I unfollowed you a while back today, I was on my new Netpad and may have clicked the wrong button. Following back now. Did I unfollow, can you tell? Sorr if I did mate. Good blogger you are.



    • You have not to be worry, Shaun. What can I tell?… If my post doesn’t appear on your reader then you may check my blog. Sometimes the error happened to the network. Recently I saw the status on someone’s blog that I was not following the blog that I have been following, so I re-clicked it then it disappeared from my sight for many days. finally I found it unfollow. Or you can see this reply when you are following. You are a good guy too. Cheers


  2. Thank you very much for your compliments! I like the black and whites also, but I have to change it up some times to follow what the subject is calling for.


  3. As I grew up I played down at my father’s business a lot. I was always one that would press a new button to see what would happen, what changes would be made. If it was good, then so be it. If it was not good I would find something else to do. I would walk, explore and look to my environment for changes. This is basically what I do with my photographs, I look to the subject for answers to my questions and try to follow what the subject is telling me. As for the software I use to do this, it is photoshop CS6 and my camera is an old Canon Rebel of 8 MP. Also, I need to have an eye exam some time. I am sure that makes a difference in my work also. That’s my process – bad eyes, but looking to nature for answers.


  4. Beware the Jabberwock my son. The claws that catch. The teeth that grind. (That’s the way I remember it from the movie.)


  5. Hello ! Just checking in on you and wondering how your health is … I got such a shock last time I jumped on here and read of your illness. I hope you’re still being good and listening to your doctor 😉


    • Oh Hello my dear friend. I m so happy can see you again. Thank you so much for the prayers. My post about the illness has been removed since I considered it was not good to be on my publication all times 🙂 . I wish you are in a good health as always and happy blogging again. 🙂


  6. Sir, its so happy that i found an active Indonesian blogger here in wordpress with so many posts. I like the content and we can share so many common pics. My blog is all abt inspiration tho, but i like to insert 1 pic every 2 posts. It’s good to hear some news from West Java area. Pls visit my web if you feel like http://dessypramoe.wordpress.com/. Cheers from Yogyakarta


  7. Hi Muhammed – I’m so sorry to hear you have an injured spine – not a good start to the year. Do take care and I hope we will keep seeing some more posts soon.


  8. Pingback: Chas Spain World Tour 2014 Day 2 | ChasSpainDesign

  9. Muhammed,

    I love your blog and your sense of humor (picture of your mop hair). You have a good soul and that emanates from your photographs. There is no wonder you and Ajay met and appreciated one another’s work. I loved his photography and yours is just as beautiful! I love nature as that is where I feel God most strongly. I hope you do not mind me following your blog so quickly but I do not want to miss your next photo or entry. Blessings upon you and your family!



    • Thank you so much for your compliment, Tina, Ajay and I seemed to have similar interest on nature. I love his photos but quite sadly Now I lost one of my best blogger friends. Now, I have to find you as his stand and I hope you don’t mind either if I follow you. It is very much appreciated that now we are connecting. Best wishes for you and your family too.

      Liked by 1 person

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