26 comments on “ROSE CACTUS from Brazil

    • Aku sempat berfikir demikian Mas. Sekarang tanaman ini sudah lebih dari satu meter tingginya dan sudah pindah ke tanah. Pada musim hujan pertumbuhannya agak tersendat, mungkin karena terlalu basah. Thank you for sharing your thought. very much appreciated. 🙂


  1. I’ve certainly never seen it, or heard of it. I know what a challenge it can be to search for a plant on the internet, and how rewarding it is when you find it – I think we are very similar in some ways, my friend.


  2. Pereskianya bagus Pak Muh. Baru tahu ada Pereskia warna pink begini. Aku punya warnanya oranye. Anyway, kalau terlalu basah memang pertumbuhannya agak terhambat, Pak. Tanaman ini haus akan sinar matahari.


      • Betul, Pak. Perbanyakan aku lakukan dengan stek karena keluarga kaktus perbanyakan relatif mudah dengan stek. Boleh saja kalau mau tukeran. Week-end ini aku akan stek lagi, aku siapkan buat Pak Muh. Nanti kalau sudah segar aku kontak Pak Muh, kalau perlu aku antar, sekalian aku main ke tempat Pak Muh ya.


  3. Excellent capture of its’ beautiful bloom. We call this plant in Florida – the Desert Rose. It’s because the stem look so dry and lifeless then a rose or a few roses appear. Lovely …!!!!
    I grow orchids. I’ve added a post of one that was at the end of its life and below how is looked in the beginning. I think flowers teach us aboout life.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and “like” my post.
    http://insidethemindofisadora.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/wilted flowers/


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