19 comments on “the BASIC INSTINCT

    • Gak percaya Mas Chris?, waktu itu saya sedang menyusuri jalan setapak di sebuah hutan kecil sedang berburu foto burung rawa. sambil jalan mata dan perhatian saya hanya tertuju pada sasaran di balik semak belukar sana, ketika tanaman ini tersentuh kepala, waduh! jantung saya serasa copot eh, saya kira itu ular pohon! 🙂


  1. Your point of view is so interesting – your close understanding of plants is benefiting you and us. I like the idea that they build their own beauty as they behave in manners that allow them to seek light and nourishment. It’s reminds me of artistic ideas about form and function – that form follows function, and often there is enough beauty in that. Happy weekend!


    • Incredible !!!, “the form follows function and often there is enough beauty in that”. You made my day so colorful with this statement. Thank you so much, my Blue. have a great day.


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